Are you ready to double, triple, or even 10x your sales?
Unlock more time and money freedom with Level Up, the pricing and sales blueprint.
Sell with confidence
Master your pricing
Crush your goals
“Your art is good enough. You have what it takes. It’s time to Level Up your business.”
Get the step-by-step, self-paced course to show you how to build or reboot your photography business for bigger sales, more freedom, and the success you deserve!
Get the blueprint for building a highly successful and profitable photography business.
It’s time to stop struggling to build a profitable and successful photography biz. Even if you’ve been steadily building your business for years, Level Up is the business blueprint you've been waiting for!
Designed for the photo pro looking to increase their profits and sales, this comprehensive workshop delivers everything you need to vault your business to the next level. Megan will guide you through foolproof pricing systems and powerful sales psychology, revealing the ultimate roadmap for being seen as a sought-after, premium photo pro.
We know you love the art of photography. Now it’s time to fall in love with your business again!
Featuring over 10 hours of video lessons, downloadable tools and resources!
You’ve got the photo skills. Let’s Level Up your sales.
A $10,000 SALE?
You’d better believe it!
Set your sights on the
That’s right! 1 in 5 Level Up students reports a $10,000 sale. Success like this is possible for you too! Level Up will show you how.
"I can't believe I'm writing this post. I made my first $10k sale!! And this from someone new to business. I used to think only seasoned pros with many years experience could achieve such sales. Thank you, Megan DiPiero, for showing me the way. Yay for Level Up!! If I can do it, anyone can!"
Priya Nallathambi
Livingston, NJ
"I am shook, happy, and grateful. Last year it took me 4 months to hit $13,000. And now I just made nearly the same amount from ONE sale. I feel so thankful to be able to work as an artist (and a smart business-minded artist!) creating images that are life-changing for my clients."
Tina Leu
Washington, D.C.
Will you be next?
Your success story belongs here.
We saved you a spot!
Ready to make money that matters? This is your complete business blueprint— proven, successful, and completely replicable. Learn it in a weekend, enjoy the benefits for years to come!
Level Up Workshop
Break through your perceived limitations. Grow your confidence and get ready to create a sustainable, life-changing business for yourself.
Design a foolproof price list that encourages big spending.
Master the five client touchpoints that influence the quality of your sales.
Learn how to position your brand to attract ideal prospects.
Know just what to say to create ecstatic clients and raving evangelists.
When you implement the Level Up strategies you will achieve your dream income. It’s just that simple.
Still have questions?
Our students respond to popular FAQ’s.
“Average sale before Level Up: $250. Average sale after Level Up: $4500. ‘Nuff said.”
Nicole Severson | Portland, OR
“I never had a photography business but was interested in building one. Zero clients, zero sales. I took Megan’s class, built my business from scratch, and had my first sale which was $3000 one month later. My sales average is $3300 today. Two sales over $10k. This is an amazing course for anyone who wants to finally start making financially sound decisions as business owners.”
Ksenia Trikoz | Ithaca, NY
“Thanks so much, Megan, for helping us revamp our 30-year-old business. We got our Platinum $10k ticket in the mail this week... and this morning, had another $10k+ high school senior sale. Thanks to Level Up we’re seeing bigger sales and more consistency than ever before.”
Bonnie & Jonathan Burton | Boone, NC
“My wife and I took the plunge and bought Level Up in December, shortly before opening our first brick and mortar portrait studio. Last night we wrapped up a $4,361 sale for a family session and there is no universe that exists where we could have done this without Level Up. When you’re structured for the right client, everything just falls into place.”
Dave Norton | Flemington, NJ
“Before you get too deep into marketing—are you confident in your prices and process? Because that should always be step one. If you don’t have a solid foundation with those first, your marketing will not help. Level Up is the foundations course.”Nicole Severson | Portland, OR
“For my little podunk town the average income is $36,358. But bigger towns are not far away. In the last two months (post Level Up) I have had a $3k, $3.5k, $5k, and nearly $6.5k sale. If I can do it here, it can be done ANYWHERE.”
Ashley Gurley | Perry, GA
“Level Up seriously changed my whole mindset on how I do business and run sales. As a result, I’ve now hit $10k in a single sale four times in three different regions. Even a cross-country move to a small town hasn’t stopped me! I’m THRIVING at these prices.”
Nikita Razo | Manhattan, KS
“I’m literally surrounded with hundreds of low and mid-range photographers… like within a 15-min drive. Just a few months ago I was charging $199 for a session. Last week a client invested $7,170. Before Level Up I didn’t believe for a second that was possible… Level Up IS the mind shift!”
Jessica Thomas | Ottawa, Ontario
“I’ve taken a few business/ IPS related course since starting out. This was the only one that cuts straight to the chase, zero BS or fluff. It saved me literally hours and hours of my time, and that’s invaluable to me.”
Rachel Richards | Phoenix, AZ
“Wall to wall information that you put into practice IMMEDIATELY. It’s not theory, it’s concrete. Easily one of the best classes I’ve ever purchased.”
Felicia Goelzer | Monroe, MI
“There are lots of other IPS training options out there. I’ve tried them and kick myself for wasting money. Level Up is beyond worth it. No one can communicate the information better than Megan. This stuff just works. If I could turn back the clock, this is the only IPS course I would have taken.”
Danielle Goulet-Bustamante | Derry, NH
“Level Up paid for itself in 4 days! Finished the classes this morning. My afternoon client got my top package.”
Ashley Nicole Kelly | Lexington, KY
“It may seem expensive, but you get what you pay for. Not only is this a step-by-step system you can implement, but it’s also an entire team cheering you on [in the Facebook group] including Megan herself. Talk about support! Incredible, life-changing program!”
Megan M. Johnson | Cincinnati, OH
“Let me tell you, after I implemented Level Up’s playbook, my second IPS EVER was an $11,363 sale. Prior to that I hadn’t made that much money from photography in a YEAR! I have since purchased every one of Megan’s courses, and every single one has brought HUGE returns. Megan, her staff, and her courses are the REAL DEAL.”
Julie Lieblich | Gathersburg, MD
“Newborn photog here! My last newborn session sale was $12,000. Last cake smash looks like it’s going to be over $10k as well. Ordering Appointment tomorrow. Using Megan’s systems to a T!”
Olesya Redina | Round Rock, TX
“If you had told me last year that a $14,000 senior sale was even possible I would have laughed at you. But today, I did it! And what’s more my clients were the ones thanking me! Level Up has shown me what is truly possible for a professional photographer.”
Sarah Lindsay | Northglenn, CO
“Just accomplished my first five-figure sale! $11,120 pet portrait. I’m on cloud nine… floored by the sale but also excited because I see now that this is completely repeatable system thanks to Level Up!”
Chris Keeley | Dover, NH
“I’m a family photographer with no studio, so I spent the first year in the group thinking there is no way this would work for me. Buy the course. Follow the steps. Make more money. I was ready to give up on my business and now I feel like I have limitless income potential.”
Jamie Diger | Marin County, CA
“Repeat after me: ‘I do not need a studio to make $$$.’ I have been working out of my BASEMENT for the past year. Just had my second $10k sale—less than a week after my first even $10k!!”
Laura Straub | Kansas City, MO
“Here’s the thing—Level Up is about getting your sales system and pricing in place. It doesn’t matter what you shoot, with or without a studio, natural light, etc. I’m a believer in the system! I just beat my highest ever teaching salary, and I still have two sessions left (so far) this year! This program has literally changed my life!”
Nicole Severson | Portland, OR
“Had my FIRST ordering Appointment tonight after implementing Level Up pricing and it was $7,030! This ONE session was the equivalent of about TWENTY-TWO SESSIONS for me last year. Thanks for the tools, Megan!”
Katie Horst | British Columbia, Canada
“Are you in the UK? Europe? Convinced this only works in the USA? Want to know my current wall art in production right now? 19 pieces. I’m convinced we wouldn’t be creating all these orders (plus collection boxes too!) without the structure and guidance of Level Up. Boom time! Roaring twenties are happening!”
Johanna Elizabeth | Hampshire, UK
“Hello, $10k Club Australia! I just had my very first over-$10k sale: A$18,220. It’s taken a week for it to sink in, but it’s real. Not so long ago (pre-Level Up) a very similar shoot made a grand total of $300. Knowledge is power!”
Amber Melody | New South Wales, Australia
“I should have signed up for this class before I did anything else. I would have saved myself a ton of time and stress and had all my questions answered.”
Madeline Potter | Dallas, TX
“If you want to grow your business and earn the income you deserve, Level Up! It’s that simple! You can continue to read about it or you can experience it. You’ll wish you had started a LONG time ago! Best investment in my career!”
Joy Porter | Grass Valley, CA